Fall 2021 Basics of Soft Condensed Matter (graduate), IPM. Fall 2020 Numerical Modeling and Simulation in Condensed Matter (graduate), IPM. Spring 2013 Mechanics I (undergraduate), IASBS. Fall 2011 Physics I, mechanics (undergraduate), University of Isfahan. Special topics in condensed matter (Graduate), University of Isfahan. Electrodynamics I (graduate), University of Isfahan. Spring 2011 Advanced statistical mechanics (graduate), University of Isfahan. Basic physics II, electricity and magnetism (undergraduate), University of Isfahan. Electricity physics laboratory (undergraduate), University of Isfahan. Physics III laboratory (undergraduate), University of Isfahan. Fall 2010 Special topics in condensed matter (graduate), University of Isfahan. Electrodynamics I (graduate), University of Isfahan. General physics (for biology students, undergraduate), University of Isfahan. Spring 2010 Physics II laboratory (undergraduate), University of Isfahan. Applied electromagnetics I (undergraduate), University of Isfahan. Statistical mechanics (undergraduate), University of Isfahan. Fall 2009 Physics III laboratory (undergraduate), University of Isfahan. Advanced statistical mechanics (graduate), University of Isfahan. Fluid mechanics (undergraduate), University of Isfahan. Spring 2009 Physics III laboratory (undergraduate), University of Isfahan. Statistical mechanics (undergraduate), University of Isfahan. Basic physics II, electricity and magnetism (undergraduate), University of Isfahan. Physics II (for engineering students, undergraduate), University of Isfahan. Fall 2008 Physics III laboratory (undergraduate), University of Isfahan. Physics II (for engineering students, undergraduate), University of Isfahan. Fluid Mechanics (undergraduate), University of Isfahan. Basic physics I (for biology students, undergraduate), University of Isfahan. Before 2008 Physics II, electricity and magnetism (undergraduate), Fall 2004, Zanjan university. Physics I, mechanics (undergraduate), Fall 2003, Zanjan university. Physics Lab. III, heat and thermodynamics (undergraduate), Fall 2000, Isfahan University of Technology. |